“There’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo… and it’s worth fighting for.” — Sam Gangee

JRR Tolkien’s masterpiece Lord of the Rings trilogy was brought to life on the silver screen a little over 20 years ago. Biblical allegory and life on earth contrasts are on full display throughout this classic. Good vs evil, joy vs brooding, perseverance vs sloth, freedom vs slavery, hero vs villain.

Before moving away in the early ‘80’s to pursue career opportunities Loudoun reminded me of the Shire, the bucolic home of the Hobbits where the 1st installment begins, and the 3rd ends. Joyful kindness was the norm with neighbors sacrificially serving each other out of a pure heart regardless of skin color, socio economic rank or gender.

After moving back in 2020 it was clear the winds of change induced by media hyped division and spurred by political opportunism had turned Loudoun into a proverbial Mordor which was home for the dark Sauron and his inner earth Orcs. Congestion, deception, excessive taxation and regulation had fueled division and perverted peace.

Where did the Shire go? The framers of the Constitution did everything they could to give America a road map which if faithfully followed would ensure preservation of life, liberty and happiness. For the past 100 years we’ve failed to stem the malignancy of usurpation of the Constitution. As James Madison, the principal architect of the Constitution warned, ‘ambition must be made to counteract ambition’.

From Woodrow Wilson’s unconstitutional Federal Reserve to Teddy Roosevelt’s presidency which “might well be considered as marking the birth of the modern regulatory state” (Widenor), to FDR’s meandrous WW2 engagement and “New Deal”, to the more recent “Obamacare” (which skyrocketed premiums and costs, while leaving 30 million uninsured), socialist government expansion has become America’s new norm.

If anyone thinks these are irrelevant deeds that have little to no impact on a Loudoun County citizen in 2023, think again. In 2010 the County budget was $1,590,000, in 2023 the incomprehensible $3,500,000 level was breached (a 125% increase during a period when population increased only 35%). 

Has Loudoun morphed into Mordor to the extent that The Shire has become the 1948 Cleveland Indians, where too many dreams have died, and all hope lost? The Founders knew of the depravity of man and planned for it. Jefferson astutely observed, “In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution”. 

For those satisfied with our government I encourage you to carefully examine the history of countries who’ve gone down the road of good intentions paved by socialism. How many of these regimes have brought peace and prosperity to their people? If your answer was more than zero, look again.

To those who are concerned about the direction we’re headed and don’t know what to do, the answer is located at the end of the 1st Amendment. Throughout our history, 1st Amendment petitions have been used to hold government accountable to the Constitution. Let’s use them to restore The Shire!

“He who refuses to rule is liable to be ruled by one who is worse than himself.”
—Plato’s Republic

— Woody Kaye

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