Happy Mother’s Day to all Mom’s!

Here are two recent stories that underscore our current predicament in America, one plight is present the other is coming soon.

This week I went to a barbershop in a local town here in VA. The barber who was a kind woman ended up not speaking or understanding a word of English. I tried a translation app (“trim & tapered please”????) and got nowhere ending up by thanking her for trying and leaving to look elsewhere.

The 2nd story involves a couple who recently traveled from Poland to Sweden for a vacation. They don’t own credit cards therefor converted Polish Zlotych to Swedish Kronor assuming most shops would accept fiat currency. The media claimed currency was still accepted. The long and short of it was none accepted cash claiming doing so keeps neer-do-well migrants away. Most of the entire trip was devoted to managing payment scenarios for food, lodging and gas.

Border invasion and biometric CDBC pilot programs are on full display coming to a town near you, remember the little girl in Poltergeist who was highly tuned to demonic activity? “They’re here” was her creepy alert when spiritual gremlins were present.

We have the same mantra today.

By God’s grace we have the Constitutional weapon to bring the counties, states and federal government back into compliance.

The answer is through the 1A petition process starting with our counties. For the sake of your progeny, your neighbor and nature’s God resist the temptation to do nothing. If not you then who?

Our controllers want us to remain deaf dumb and blind to to the power we have through republicanism (we’re not a democracy).

Don’t let it happen. Go to Reclaiming the Republic today and read and listen to GR Mobley’s podcasts. HERE As Jefferson repeatedly said “ignorance is no excuse”.

Cutting Quotes

“Here’s Williams’ roadmap out of poverty: Complete high school; get a job, any kind of a job; get married before having children; and be a law-abiding citizen. Among both black and white Americans so described, the poverty rate is in the single digits.”– Walter E. Williams

“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”— Thomas Sowell

“The Constitution, on this hypothesis, is a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary which they may twist and shape in to any form they please.”— Thomas Jefferson

“When learned men begin to use their reason, then I generally discover that they haven’t got any.”— GK Chesterton

Uncensored News

H5N1 Bird Flu Fears Heighten – HERE

Video Surfaces of Trump Calling for Death Penalty for Anti-Semitism- HERE

Catherine Austin Fitts uncovers financial reset plan – HERE

Gen Y Connects Antisemitism Dots – HERE

Pfizer Whistleblower-workers offered ‘separate and distinct’ vaccine – HERE

Michigan Sheriffs uncover Dominion Chinese and Serbian staff 2020 programming – HERE

Movie Moment The 1986 action original Top Gun with Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer had a dog fight scene after Maverick had lost his flymate in an accident leaving him on the edge of quitting. Shellshocked he runs from danger until a chip in his brain switches on and transforms him from timid to tiger. It’s a mirror of what we need from Patriots in the battle to save America and humanity. Here’s the climatic scene HERE

Reclaiming the Republic HERE

RTR is a great resource to help educate us on how to reclaim our counties using Republic Review and 1st Amendment petitions.

Here’s the April 24th podcast that’s focused on the importance of the 14th Amendment and why the left is drying to discredit it. HERE

The podcasts are approx 50 minutes long and is a great way to learn while you’re driving around.

Fear: “The good man has no envy for anyone, neither fear nor anger or hatred.” — Plato

Apathy: “It is … far more important to resist apathy than anarchy or despotism for apathy can give rise, almost indifferently, to either one.” —–Alexis de Tocqueville

You were bought at a price do not become slaves of men. 1 Cor 7:23

As you know we have training calls (Wed @ 11AM, Fri @ 6:30PM) to learn and share the petition progress being made. God willing I’ll send out a reminder the day before.

For those who are engaged in the battle thank you for all you’re doing. Let me know if I can help you in any way. God bless!

Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities because it has been said, it is the quality which guarantees all others.— Winston Churchill

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