1A Petitions and Constitutional solutions at the county level
This website focuses on the power “We The People” have when using 1A Petitions and Constitutional solutions at the county level, to demand state, and federal governments comply with the Constitution and restore liberty.
The unelected 4th branch of the federal government is the unaccountable Deep State which costs taxpayers $Billions.
Of the 2,000+ Departments and Agencies within the federal government it’s estimated that less than 50 are Constitutional.
Contact us today to learn how to take action and organize your county.
“The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance.“
Thomas Jefferson
Constitutional Solutions
1A Petitions
Reclaiming the Republic
Constitutional Education
For those who were unable to make the last two Wednesday calls here are links to the recordings where GR walked us through the KY resolutions of 1798 identifying the Alien & Sedition Acts as unconstitutional.