November 15, 2023

We’ll know our disinformation is complete when everything the American public believes is false” William Casey, CIA Director

Namely, all of the “sources” you site are illegitimate outlets” Patrick Kerner, Editor Loudoun Times Mirror April 2023 to Loudoun Liberty

It’s likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 US presidential elections,” 56% of respondents stated in a poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports, with 41% saying it’s “very likely.”

In April 2023 a Letter to the Editor entitled Gaslight 2023 HERE was submitted to the Loudoun Times Mirror (LTM) and Loudoun Now alleging unadjudicated evidence that the 2020 election for POTUS was fraudulent. Both publications rejected the letter. LTM hung their decision on the premise that all questions about the veracity of the election had been raised and were either rejected through audits or the court system. Nothing to see here move along. At the same time that we were refused access to the public debate on election integrity an opinion piece by Supervisor Chair Randall accusing Lieutenant Governor Sears of being in favor of segregation by supporting school choice was published reminiscent of the saying, “Hypocrites are those who apply to others the standards that they refuse to accept for themselves.”

The 1st Amendment gives rights to a free press to all Americans without filters by self-appointed probity referees. “The only security of all is in a free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to. It is necessary, to keep the waters pure.” –Thomas Jefferson  Do nearly 60% of American voters who believe fraud effected the outcome of 2020 do so because they live free in Donald Trump’s head or have they looked at visual evidence and are unpersuaded by Soros funded ‘fact checkers’? Instead, our betters lecture us with; “Yes, but what you skeptical conspiracy theorists fail to acknowledge is in many cases audits were conducted and nothing nefarious was found.” Solomon warns against boasts rooted in mocking and self-confidence: The wise shall inherit glory but shame is the highest rank conferred on self confident fools. Prov 3:35 According to the following report Doug Logan, CEO of Cyber Ninjas the company that ran the Maricopa audit there were multiple allegations disputing the results (“wild inaccuracies”, “my numbers are screwy”) and soaring costs ($150K to $5.5MM). HERE

The institutional media has filtered their ‘news’ for decades to fit their agenda HERE which is hostile to liberty, truth and the middle class. Local news outlets for the most part are propaganda mills which squelch free speech and foster left leaning, Marxist indoctrination.

This brings us to Election Day 2023. This past Tuesday we were told by the MSM that the Democratic Party won bigly because the GOP foolishly ran against abortion rights. That’s like claiming Mohammed Ali was really a white, female ballet dancer. The Democratic Party’s titular leader is an addled provocateur and architect of an invasion on the southern border, imminent CBDC launch, noxious inflation, high gas prices, coordinated wars in Ukraine & Israel and vaccines with high morbidity. Who wouldn’t vote for more of this? Yet according to local media outlets we’re not allowed to publicly raise questions.

Last week in Loudoun a candidate who was ahead by 350 votes with 1 precinct remaining late on election night ‘lost’ by 200 votes. One poll captain said his network connection mysteriously switched from one approved for election workers to the Loudoun schools’ network. There have been several verified reports showing those casting ballots exceeded registered voters by several thousand. Radical Soros funded Commonwealth Attorney Buta Bideraj lost to Bob Anderson by 1000 votes, or did she? 3000 missing ballots were discovered and have yet to be accounted for 6 days after the polls closed. Anyone noticing could also question the security around the speed scanners and pollbooks.  All of this manufactured chaos brings to mind Yogi Berra the master of avuncular malapropisms who reminded us of what the intelligentsia would rather we forget, “You can observe a lot by just watching.” 

The election crime of 2020 surrounded Article II together with the 12th Amendment and the failure by Mike Pence to reject electors from 31 states where the state election law related to absentee votes had been changed by governors and secretaries of state rather than the Legislature which is the only legally permitted method. According to hundreds of eyewitnesses’ fraud also occurred in the 5 battleground states through electronic breech, ballot harvesting and drop box absentee ballot dumps (2000 Mules).

Until we return to same day voting using physical paper ballots and a photo ID we will continue to question if not doubt our elections. Depending on politicians and bureaucrats to make the needed changes is like giving whiskey or drugs to an addict. We the People were empowered to act and the Framer’s assumed we’d levy this power.

The Founders gave us the keys to correct malfeasance and restore our Republic. Our Constitutional remedy for government overreach and corruption is in the 1st Amendment where we are instructed to petition county politicians for the redress of grievances.  According to the 14th Amendment these rights can’t be abridged and those government officials who attempt to do so can be removed from office and never be allowed to serve again. Let’s take back Loudoun, Virginia, America!

Please contact us to learn more about our Constitution and 1st Amendment petitions and how you can help restore our Republic.

Loudoun Liberty

“The execution of the laws is more important than the making of them.”

Thomas Jefferson,

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