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Petition 003 To Repel The Invasion

This First Amendment Petition for the Redress of Grievances to our government is directed, through our County Legislators regarding our State Legislatures’ failure to hold the federal government responsible for violating Article I, Article IV, Article VI, and the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution for the United States, which states in part that it must protect all States against invasion by repelling the invasion.

In Article IV Section 4 of the Constitution for the United States of America, referred to as the Guarantee Clause, it states that “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Governmentand shall protect each of them against Invasion.” 

In Article I Section 8 the federal government must “establish an uniform rule of naturalization” and in Article I Section 9 regulating the importation of person in a uniform standard in concert with the uniformity clause in Article I Section 8 as well as the power delegated to Congress in Article I Section 8 subsection 15, the power to call “forth the Militia” to “repel invasions” to stop and repel all invaders in America today.

The Constitutional requirement is clear that Congress must federalize and deploy the States Militia to the Border to seal the border and to sweep the nation to repel the invaders from the U.S.


Pursuant to Article I, Article IV, Article VI, and the First, Fourteenth, Fifteenth,
Nineteenth, Twenty-fourth, and Twenty-sixth Amendments to the Constitution for the United
States of America, the undersigned, who reside in the County of Bremer within the State of
Iowa, hereby exercise our constitutionally protected “right” to petition our government (i.e.
County Commissioners) for redress of violations of the Constitution for the United States of

WHEREAS, the jurisdiction as defined in the Virginia Ratification Debates on the
Adoption of the Federal Constitution were succinctly assert by James Madison that “the
powers of the federal government are enumerated; it can only operate in certain cases; it has
legislative powers on defined and limited objects, beyond which it cannot extend its
jurisdiction.”1 (Mr. Madison, June 6 1787), and

WHEREAS, One specific responsibility and power delegated to the general
government is within Article IV Section 4 referred to as the Guarantee Clause that “The
United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government,
and shall protect each of them against Invasion,”2 and

WHEREAS, the framers did not specify this to be a military invasion; thus, the reason
for a lack of clarity in the Constitution; that they were well aware of the historical context of
theological combatants and religious invasion. A specific religious invasion doctrine referred
to as Hijrah doctrine3, is an Islamic policy/principle of Jihad by migration. This doctrine calls
for Mohammadian’s to mass migrate into a non-believer nation and entrench themselves into
the nation without assimilating, seeking to undermine and overthrow the host government by
exploiting democracy along with accelerating growth in the Mohammadian’s population.
They accelerate growth by both continuing aggressive immigration and by violating the

1James Madison, The Debates In The Convention Of The Commonwealth Of Virginia, On The Adoption Of The Federal Constitution.
2 The Constitution for the United States of America,
3 Levy J. (2009, August 16). The Hijra. Retrieved 30 June, 2020, retrieved from

nation’s laws by practicing polygamy openly claiming religious rights or doing it secretly
when the host countries laws will not allow it. This way the Mohammadian’s are able to have
as many children as possible until they commandeer a nation to subjugate it to Islam. The
Zoroastrian’s of Persia (Iran) were conquered and forced into practicing Islam by this doctrine
completely eradicating the Zoroastrian faith; and

WHEREAS, the fundamental definition of an invasion4 is:
1) an act or instance of invading or entering as an enemy, especially by an army
2) the entrance or advent of anything troublesome or harmful, as disease
3) entrance as if to take possession or overrun
4) infringement by intrusion
, and

WHEREAS, during the states debates of the federal Constitution, the concept of
migrations westward of U.S. citizens and obtaining sovereignty over the Mississippi River
were referred to as key strategic interests to the security of the Republic. This was the
foundation of what would be referred almost a half century later as the doctrine of Manifest
Destiny. Consequently, the framers were well aware of the history of their states as colonies,
and that New York today, was once settled by the Dutch citizens and not an occupying army.
Once discovered the English colonists and Britain, began to respond with hostilities towards
this invasion in what was viewed as their world. The removal of Dutch influence was
hastened due to a sundry of factors, the primary factor was the abundance of British influence
in North America, and the greater desire of the Dutch to secure full control from British
harassments over their colony Suriname, in South American, and

WHEREAS, the threat of an invasion was not viewed as simply one accomplished by
military forces; a social, cultural, or political invasions can be equally dangerous to a nation.
During the Virginia Ratification debated James Madison pointed to the threat of an invasion
of enemies, stating:
“Congress ought to have the power to establish a uniform discipline throughout the
states, and to provide for the execution of the laws, suppress insurrections, and repel
invasions: these are the only cases wherein they can interfere with the militia; and the
obvious necessity of their having power over them in these cases must convince any


reflecting mind. Without uniformity of discipline, military bodies would be incapable
of action: without a general controlling power to call forth the strength of the Union to
repel invasions, the country might be overrun and conquered by foreign enemies.”5
No reference to an armed force or military, and

WHEREAS, a threat to national sovereignty by an invasion as history has proven
were and are not limited to military forces; a cultural, social, or political invasion can be
equally destructive to a nations sovereignty. Those who illegally and willfully enter into a
nation, deliberately bypassing the specific laws and process of immigration to exploit its
economic, political, and other opportunities must be treated as much as a threat to a nations
security as an invading force. This is an invasion where people are not just hiding in plain
sight – but are stealing and forging identities and identification; thus, committing additional
crimes to permanently remain in violation of fundamental immigration laws, and

WHEREAS, the invaders coming into the United States do not assimilate, insist on
retaining their language and culture, and try to directly engage in the political processes by
unlawfully obtaining access to fraudulent identification, voting, and seek to undermine and
defy our laws as well as our Constitution; in other words, these are political combatant
invaders with the intent to undermine the American culture and our way of life politically, and

WHEREAS, this invasion has been allowed and supported by Congress to exist for
almost four decades, where many invaders have had children while illegally here in the
United States. In accordance with the Fourteenth Amendment Section 1, “All persons born or
naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the
United States and of the State wherein they reside.”6 A person must be a citizen to be
considered under the jurisdiction of the United States; thus, children born to two parents who
are not under the legal jurisdiction of the United States are and cannot be Citizens of the
United States. Consequently, this clause strictly addressed the salves and Indians that were
under the jurisdiction of the United States at the time of the amendment, since they were
recognized for apportionment of Representation, and 5 James Madison, 06 June, 1788, The Debates In The Convention Of The Commonwealth Of Virginia,

On The Adoption Of The Federal Constitution.
The Constitution for the United States of America,

WHEREAS, foreigners inside or outside the United States are not entitled to
apportionment for representation in accordance with the Fourteenth Amendment Section 2,
“Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their
respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding
Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of Electors
for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the
executive and judicial officers of a State, or the members of the legislature thereof, is
denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and
citizens of the United States (emphasis added), or in any way abridged, except for
participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be
reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the
whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State;”7

WHEREAS, in accordance to the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, Twenty-fourth, and the
Twenty-sixth Amendments, the requirement of citizenship was reasserted in these amendment
stating “The right of citizens of the United States,”8 in specific regard to only U.S. citizens
possessing the right to vote in America. The point in fact, there is not one amendment or
references in the Constitution for the United States of America that allows a non-citizens the
right to vote or to be included in apportionment for representation or paying taxes; however,
many States are violating this law by allowing invaders access to voting and legitimate
identification, and

WHEREAS, within Dennis L. Murphy published article titled The Exclusion of Illegal
Aliens from the Reapportionment Base: A Question of Representation, he clarifies the fact that
in 1980 the United States government began violating the Constitution by apportioning
representation to invaders (i.e. illegal aliens) stating:
“IN THE 1990 census, illegal aliens were enumerated by the Census Bureau. The
census count is used for several purposes, including apportionment of seats in the
House of Representatives among the several states. The Constitution denies illegal

7 The Constitution for the United States of America,
The Constitution for the United States of America,

aliens the right to vote; nevertheless, illegal aliens were counted in the 1980 census
and included in the reapportionment base that year. As a result, Georgia and Indiana
each lost a seat in the House of Representatives.” 9
Furthermore, the Center for Immigration Studies reported on December 19, 201910 that due to
the fact that the federal government has begun counting invaders in the census today twenty-six
seats in the House of Representatives are being unconstitutional granted to invaders in
direct violation to Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution for the United
States of American, and

WHEREAS, Rafael Bernal reported a study conducted by Yale and MIT11 in 2018
that these schools estimated that there were modestly at least twenty-two point one million in
contrast to the assertion that there was only eleven million invaders in the United States of
America, and

WHEREAS, one cannot consider one million let alone over twenty million people as
of a progressive educational institutions like Yale and MIT in 2018 (the number of invaders to
likely to be significantly higher) illegally living within a nation they have no right of
citizenship or to inhabit, yet demanding protection, political involvement/voice, and voting
access. This is not an immigration problem, this is by all definitions an invasion, and

WHEREAS, Presidents Herbert Hoover and Dwight Eisenhower both fulfilled their
oath of office by ensuring “that the laws be faithfully executed” 12 in accordance with Article
II of the Constitution for the United States of America; two Presidents deported invaders and
their non-citizen children who were born in the United States but were NOT “subject to the
jurisdiction thereof.”13 Where, in 1931, Presidents Herbert Hoover deported between 500,000
and 2,000,000 illegal aliens and their non-U.S. citizen children14 and during the Korean War

9 Dennis L. Murph, The Exclusion of Illegal Aliens from the Reapportionment Base: A Question of Representation
10 The Impact of Legal and Illegal Immigration on the Apportionment of Seats in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2020

11 Yale, MIT study: 22 million, not 11 million, undocumented immigrants in US, By Rafael Bernal – 09/21/18 04:38 PM EDT,

12 The Constitution for the United States of America,
13 The Constitution for the United States of America,
14 Mexican Repatriation,

up to 1955, President Dwight Eisenhower executed the largest deportation expelling more
than 4 million illegal aliens15, and

WHEREAS, Article VI Section 4 of the Constitution for the United States of America
guarantees to each State in the union that the federal government will protect each State from an
invasion by stating:
“The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union, a republican form of
government, and shall protect each of them against invasion;”16

WHEREAS, the famers of the Constitution were well aware that invasions were
accomplished in ways other than a military force. Again, as cited before, James Madison
stated “without a general controlling power to call forth the strength of the Union to repel
invasions, the country might be overrun and conquered by foreign enemies.”17 He also
asserted historical context in stating:
“The uniform conclusion drawn from a review of ancient and modern confederacies is,
that, instead of promoting the public happiness, or securing public tranquillity, they
have, in every instance, been productive of anarchy and confusion, ineffectual for the
preservation of harmony, and a prey to their own dissensions and foreign invasions;”18

WHEREAS, regardless of the type of invasion, each person violating our immigration
laws by entering the United States illegally is a combatant in one form or another. Many of
those who have invaded the United State over the past three decades have become political
combatants; demanding access to vote, access to representation, access to benefits, politically
protesting, and participating in our political process.

WHEREAS, in California CNN reported that:

15 Library of Congress,
16 The Constitution for the United States of America,
17 James Madison, The Debates In The Convention Of The Commonwealth Of Virginia,
On The Adoption Of The Federal Constitution.
18 James Madison, The Debates In The Convention Of The Commonwealth Of Virginia,
On The Adoption Of The Federal Constitution.

“Lizbeth Mateo seems to be a woman that’s going places… She was just appointed to
a California state senate committee. She’s also an undocumented immigrant.”19
Clearly the United States is being invaded by political combatants, and the mere fact that this
is being allowed by political servants in the State of California who are legally obligated by
their oath of office; thus, are violating their oath committing an insurrection against the
Constitution in accordance with Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, and

WHEREAS, in America, a Government Republican in Form is a Government based on
the written will and consent of the People, instituted to secure the individual’s natural Rights and
where the Law is King; and

WHEREAS, a Republican form of government is one based upon laws and the rule of
laws; consequently in accordance with Article VI Section 2 that the:
“constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof;
and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States
shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby,
any thing in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding,”20

WHEREAS, Article I Section 8 subsection 14 of the Constitution dictates the actions as
to how Congress must act when a State or the United States are being invaded states:
“The Congress shall have the power… To provide for calling forth the militia to execute
the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions (emphasis added);”21

WHEREAS, every member of Congress is legally required to take an oath of office
where they must swear or affirm that they are “to support this constitution”22 without any
exception, and

WHEREAS, the United States Congress is not only failing to protect the States from an
invasion, they have been working to legitimize and support their access to voting as well as
unconstitutionally paying them monies for living assistance; therefore, ALL members of

19 Doug Criss, CNN March 16 2018

20 The Constitution for the United States of America,
21 The Constitution for the United States of America,
22 The Constitution for the United States of America,

Congress who has not formally and on the record demanded the deployment of the militia or
National Guard on the Southern border to repel this invasion has outright and deliberately
violated their oath of office, and

WHEREAS, During the Congressional Debates of the Fourteenth Amendment, as
section 3 was clarified and defined of its meaning and intent by Senator Howard who asserted:
“It seems to me that where a person has taken a solemn oath to support the Constitution
of the United States there is a fair moral implication the he (or she) cannot afterward
commit an act which in its effect would destroy the Constitution of the United States
without incurring the guilt of at least moral perjury;”23

WHEREAS, the consequences and language for moral perjury clearly stated in Section 3
of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America as:
“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and
Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any
State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of
the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial
officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged
in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies
thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such

WHEREAS, ALL of Congress, having taken their oath to support the Constitution for
the United States, did disqualify themselves from holding any office under the United States or
under any State, by violating their oath by failing to support the Constitution and by allowing
States and Non-Government Organizations to provide health/medical, free or low-cost food,
housing, as well as financial aide or comfort to invaders and in many cases giving direct aid.25

23 Howard J. (1866). Congressional Globe. Retrieved 30 June, 2020, from page 2898 A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774 – 1875 (
24 The Constitution for the United States of America,
25 Paul Bedard, March 22, 2021 Millions of illegal immigrants set to get $4.38 billion in Biden COVID cash

Furthermore, allowing for a “catch and release”26 program for decades is a direct violation of the
United States government’s requirement to repel an invasion by allowing invaders to stay within
the borders if the United States directly, and

WHEREAS, with every Right there is a remedy and any Right that is not enforceable is
not a Right; and

WHEREAS, any member of Congress who has not formally for the record to this date
called for the “deployment of the Militia or the National Guard” to the Southern border to repel
this invasion that has been underway for over three decades and that they invaders must be
removed per the definition of “repel.” Then every member of Congress must be removed from
the Office as required by Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment and

NOW THEREFORE, in accordance with Article IV Section 4 that the States are
guaranteed a Republican form of government, that our elected County Commissioners are our
direct representatives, who in accordance with Article VI Section 3 of the Constitution for the
United States must also take an oath “to support” the Constitution for the United States, we
demand that all County Commissioners who represent the people of Bremer County, in the
State of Iowa; unite together to petition the State Legislature on our behalf, who have also
taken the same oath to support the Constitution for the United States. That “We the People”
demand the Iowa State Legislators, the Governor, the Attorney General and the Secretary of
State unite and formally call for the removal of Congress and that all Senators and
Representatives in Congress from the State of Iowa be charged with committing an insurrection
against the Constitution and failure to fulfill their oaths. Consequently, in accordance with
Article IV Section 2 subsection 2, be extradited back to the State of Iowa to face trial of their
charges and that the Governor in accordance with Article I and the Seventeenth Amendment
replace ALL Senators and Representatives in Congress from the State of Iowa for they have
directly violated their legal obligation to support the Constitution and they continue to support
rebellion against the Constitution for the United States by not demanding the deploying of the
Militia or the National Guard as required by Section 8 of the First Article and Section 3 of the
Fourteenth Amendment; and
26 Catch and Release, Wikipedia, Catch and release (immigration) – Wikipedia

FURTHERMORE BE IT ENACTED, As We the People of Bremer County exert our
First Amendment inalienable and constitutionally protected civil right of petitioning our
government for the redress of grievances; we therefore demand the County Commissioners of
Bremer County do the following to fulfill their oath of office to actively “support” the
Constitution for the United States or we will demand their removal from office in accordance
with Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment:

As a united body of Commissioners of Bremer County, you must call for and organize a
standing Federal Review Committee from the community (voluntary or reimbursed for
expenses), to initiate specific directed efforts to 1) definitize which Constitution the
County of Bremer will recognize and 2) audit the Constitution for the United States to
identify all violations of the Constitution.
 Definitize: The definitive Constitution can only be the original Constitution and all of
its ratified amendments; therefore, the committee must declare that only original
Constitution and its ratified amendments are authorized by the county and the
committee must also include the legally provided terms and definitions to the
Constitution in accordance with the founding documents of the Constitution (i.e. only
the Ratification Debates of the federal Constitution) as to what each clause meant as
the Federalists provided to the body of delegates for each State as to what these words
and clauses meant. Consequently rejecting any and all attempts to redefine the
Constitution for the United States and declaring that the Federalist elucidations in the
Ratification Debates are the only legal terms and legally stipulated what each word
and clause meant. Thus, assisting the delegates to make the ultimate decision to ratify
or reject the federal Constitution.
 Audit: Equally critical to the process of definitizing the Constitution, the committee
must also extrapolate and deduce what RRPP’s are granted within the original
Constitution for the United States and ratified amendments in accordance to the terms
and definitions specified in the Ratification Debates and identify all RRPP’s currently
exercised or possessed by the Federal Government that are not delegated within the
enumerated RRPP’s of the Constitution for the United States and identify them for 11
disposition by the States during the “Republic Review process.”27 Furthermore, it is
incumbent upon those who stand in public service who govern We the People, must
have access and be profoundly familiar with the Definitive Constitution and its terms
and definitions to help educate the Citizens, that within a Republican Form of
Government, to know the law and processes without question what is Constitutional
and what is NOT and why.
The “Federal Review Committee roles and responsibilities”28 as well as the “Federal
Review Committee Flowchart”29 is available as well as direct guidance can be obtained
from Reclaiming the Republic from their “Contact us”30 page.

Concurrently, while forming a standing committee, the Commissioners of Bremer County
must promulgate this Petition with an endorsement cover letter, calling upon all county’s
within the State of Iowa, to join Bremer County in coordinating a simultaneous effort
with Bremer County and all other counties 1) the audit that all counties must acquiesce
upon the definitized Constitution as legally and academically stipulated during the federal
Ratification Debates to precisely clarify all unconstitutional RRPP’s – as their oath of
office demands, 2) fully report concurrence or refusal to this Constitutional requirement
with clear documentation of each public servants as to their position regarding their
requirement to support the Constitution and taking immediate action to obtain full clarity
as to what is Constitutional and what is not through the audit and definitizing efforts or
refusal to support these efforts.

The Commissioners of Bremer County promulgate this Petition with an endorsement
cover letter to the State Legislature of Iowa, for them to form a permanent Constitutional
Compliance Committee to acquiesce upon the legally necessity to begin coordinating
27 Reclaiming the Republic, The Description of the Republic Review Process,
28 Reclaiming the Republic, Federal Review roles and responsibilities doc,
29 Reclaiming the Republic, Federal Review flowchart,
30 Reclaiming the Republic,
with Bremer County all items of the audit as they are approved are to be shared with
sister counties who will then, as the representatives of the people of the counties of the
State of Iowa petition the Legislature for the State of Iowa for and on the behalf of the
citizens of Bremer County.

The Iowa State Legislature will pass the following legislation to fulfill their oath of office
in 1) “supporting the Constitution” and 2) demanding all public servants and
governments and none government entities be in full compliance to the Constitution;
 There is hereby created a joint federal review committee to:
o Review all federal action to determine if the sovereignty of the state of Iowa and
the powers, rights, and liberties of its citizens, as legally defined during the
ratification debates of the several states in ratifying the United States Constitution,
are being infringed upon or diminished;
o Determine and make findings as to which federal actions are not consistent with
the roles, responsibilities, and powers of the federal government enumerated in
the United States Constitution. This duty shall be exercised without regard for any
decision by a federal court or by the Supreme Court of the United States that
attempts to interpret federal action; and
o Sponsor legislation, report to the Legislature, and advise the legislature consistent
with any determinations and findings concerning the constitutionality of federal
 For the purposes of this section, the term, federal action, means all new and existing
federal laws, resolutions, rules, regulations, decrees, orders, mandates, executive orders,
or any other federal dictate having the full force and effect of law.
 The joint federal review committee consists of five members of the House of
Representatives to be appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives and five
members of the Senate to be appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate. The
members of the joint federal review committee shall be appointed biennially for terms
expiring on January first of each succeeding odd-numbered year and shall serve until
their respective successors are appointed and qualified. No more than three from each
legislative body may be from the same political party.
 The joint federal review committee shall be co-chaired by one member of the House of
Representatives, chosen by the speaker of the house, and one member of the Senate,
chosen by the president pro tempore of the Senate, and shall be provided with staff
assistance from the Legislative Research Council. This will ensure that “We the People”
of the State of Iowa will use First Amendment Petitions for the redress of grievances to
guarantee that the County and State public servants will be held to the rule of law. Those
who refuse to support the Constitution which they are legally bound to support, must be
removed from office or public trust for their failure to fulfill their oath of office, in
accordance with Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment. A working copy of the Bill that
needs to be passed, as well as the roles and responsibilities of this Committee that will
demand full compliance to the Constitution as well as a flowchart depicting the
byproducts of this committee can be found on the Reclaiming the Republic.31

Concurrently, while the Iowa State Legislature is forming a standing committee and
initiating the audit of the Constitution for the United States and in addition to definitizing
the Constitution and its terms and definitions as stipulated in the Ratification Debates, the
State Legislature of Iowa must promulgate this Petition with an endorsement cover letter
to all other States in the union; calling upon all States to unite with Iowa, in taking all
necessary measures to obtain full compliance to the Supreme Law of the land the
Constitution for the United States as it was legally stipulated and defined in the
Ratification Debates in accordance with the Constitution and the fundamental tenants of
contract law.

All public servants while under their legal oath of office or falsely serving in office are to
be removed from office in accordance to Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment are no
longer eligible to be in office for violating their obligation to support the Constitution for
31 Reclaiming the Republic,
the United States. Public servants are neither afforded an impeachment process nor due
process, since this is the enforcement of Constitutional eligibility as defined in Congress
while the Fourteenth Amendment was being debated for passage.

We the People demand that our county Commissioners and State legislatures create a
Iowa State Legislature create and pass law to observe and comply with the enforcement
of Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, empowering the people to be able to initiate
the enforcement of this law that when “We the People” report public servant(s) who have
violated their oath by failing to support the Constitution, they are immediately suspended
and that a Common Law Grand Jury of the people of the State be formed with at least one
juror from each county to determine whether the oath of office was violated or not. If
violated the public servant is removed and banned from public service and the public
servants name and finger prints be promulgated to all States in the union to ensure that
they can no longer hold an office of public trust or of profit – unless two thirds of both
houses of Congress vote to remove this disability in accordance with Section 3 of the
Fourteenth Amendment.

We demand the full and transparent documentation in accounting the actions of all public
servants regarding what they do and do not do in response to each step of this petition
both in hard and soft copy provided back to [organizational name and address as well as
POC name and phone number].

Respectfully submitted this _ day of ____________ , 20__ by:
[Organization and Current Count of Signatures of U.S. Citizens]

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