Leesburg Pastor Declares Support for Black Robed Regiment…..Before Declaring “No Politicking Here”
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer
I grew up in Loudoun County and recently moved back with my wife to help care for our elderly mothers. After 40 years away it was clear the County had changed for the worse. Oppressive regulations (taxes), fraudulent elections, unresponsive politicians and high-handed bureaucrats had turned the Shire into Mordor. Spending had gone from $800 per citizen in 1981 to $9,100 in 2023 a 1037% increase proving Reagan’s prophecy; “As government expands, liberty contracts”.
Conservative friends and family unify around the Republican Party which unfortunately has little to show for itself except lukewarm compromise and a lengthy legacy of failure to reduce government and defend liberty.
What then can we do? One (and many believe the only) place to start is by returning to the US Constitution where there is a clear roadmap for ‘We the People’ to restore the Republic.
The Constitution alone gives America the foundational principles and powers to be great. Anything less than a unified people working as ONE will likely fall short.
By examining the Constitution, the roles, responsibilities and powers provided to ‘We the People’ become clear:
- In addition to freedom of speech, press, religion and assembly the First Amendment gives the People the right to petition government for the redress of grievances including the failure by the political class to honor their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution
- The Constitution gives We the People the role, responsibility and power to hold elected officials accountable
- By petitioning government based on the enumerated powers laid out in Article I Section 8 of the Constitution citizens will unify while simultaneously achieving their individual goals for safe, productive schools with age appropriate curriculum that will challenge students; secure borders; lower taxes; Constitutionally knowledgeable law enforcement and a sensible density plan.
- The 14th Amendment guarantees privileges and immunities for all US citizens including the assurances provided in the Bill of Rights and they may not be abridged.
With this as background, a team of Constitutional Patriots from Loudoun have been setting up tables in parking lots of businesses and churches that are open to the public and are therefore required to abide by the privileges and immunities clause of the 14th Amendment and uphold our right to petition.
In late August 2023 we did so at Cornerstone Chapel prior to a Wednesday evening service near the south parking lot entrance. After an hour or so the head Security officer told us ‘there’s no politicking allowed here’ and asked us to leave. After informing him we had the Constitutional right to be there we left then subsequently sent Pastor Hamrick’s assistant an email identifying who we were, what had happened and requested a meeting.

Here’s an excerpt of the email to Pastor Hamrick’s assistant:
“Before presenting the Constitutional basis for garnering 1st Amendment petition signatures on private property with or without permission here’s a brief history on why we came to Cornerstone. I and others were thankful and thoroughly impressed by Pastor Hamrick’s “Church in America, Wake up” (Jer 6:16) message from Oct 2020. HERE
I remember thinking to myself ‘Finally a pastor with guts!’ who’s willing to preach the whole counsel of God while wielding the sword of the Spirit and wearing the Belt of Truth. Scripture testifies that the Lord Jesus Himself, Paul, Peter, John, Steven and many others refused to buckle to political correctness. Matt 23 (Pharisees) , John 18 (Pilate) , Acts 7 (Sanhedrin), the end of Acts 16 (Roman Magistrates) and many other passages of Scripture are a rebuke (2 Tim 3:16) to so many teaching and ruling Elders of today.
The prescient words of Burke and Bonhoeffer as well as the actions of the Black Robed Regiment of 1776 are by comparison a stain on today’s church who choose to remain silent in the face of evil in our government and culture.”

So how does this warrant being in a private parking lot one may ask?
As a Constitutional Republic, the American people are empowered with unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which can’t be abridged or nullified.
Pastor Hamrick’s reference to Madison’s eventual inclusion of a Bill of Rights is instructive in that besides freedom of religion (speech, press, assembly) the 1st Amendment includes a right to petition government for the redress of grievances. He also mentioned that we’re “at a crossroads”, we agree. In fact, this is why unlawful government must be petitioned so their unconstitutional edicts and actions may be brought into compliance with the Constitution.
Here are Constitutional references:
- WHEREAS, the State of Virginia establishes and enables corporations (regardless of tax status) to operate within their State, and as such under the authority of the State of Virginia any entity that seeks the county of LOUDOUN and the State of Virginia to impose restrictions through law enforcement thereby enforcing a rule, law, or policy that directly violates the supreme law(s) of the land (Article VI) including the right to petition government for the redress of grievances (First Amendment) transgresses the privileges and immunities clauses in Article IV and the Fourteenth Amendment; and
- WHEREAS Article IV Section 2, Subsection 1 of the Constitution for the United States asserts that “The Citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of Citizens in the several states”; and
- WHEREAS in accordance with the Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1, that “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;” this specifically applies to all U.S. Citizens’ rights and or privileges and immunities that are guaranteed by the Constitution for the United States of America including all ratified amendments to the Constitution which are protected rights secured in the U.S. Citizens from federal, state, and local governments from abridging these rights; and
- WHEREAS the Ninth Amendment guarantees the protection of all our inalienable rights in asserting that “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people”; and
- WHEREAS no stipulations or exclusions exist whatsoever to this aforementioned clause in Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment; consequently, these rights cannot be terminated or suspended without first amending the Constitution for the United States of America to grant the authority for the federal, State, or local government to constitutionally suspend these protected rights in accordance with Article V of the Constitution prior to suspension of these rights.
Every Framer asserted that these protections were ordained by God, and thus, penned by the Framers to protect We the People from civil, political and governmental bondage. The following verse from the Liberty Bell underscores the essential truth that Liberty comes from the Lord. “Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof”. Lev 25:10
The days we’re in are reminiscent of both the 1st Century church and the 1776 founding of our Republic when a handful of men and women refused to bend the knee to political correctness or fear. Their courage led to a political Awakening.
At the end of the Apostle Paul’s life he warned Timothy about those amongst us who love the things of this world rather than being lovers of God. Will we run the race, fight the fight and keep the faith or surrender to the itching ears who are enslaved to comfort and love of money? My prayer for the Body of Christ in Loudoun County is that we will lead the charge to restore liberty and thereby testify to the Truth from John 18: 37.”
The Pastor’s executive assistant sent the following response:
“Pastor Gary defers to our Security Director on decisions regarding these types of matters, so I am afraid he will not be able to meet”. A follow up email asking if Pastor Hamrick read the request or if it was filtered out by staff went unreturned.
Scripture warns us against the fear of man, hypocrisy and the love of money. Even though only God Himself knows the true heart of man Jesus tells us that we will know His Disciples by their fruit and issued a severe warning to today’s church through the Apostle John using the 1st century church in Laodicea. It gives us a clue to what the Lord Jesus, the Black Robed Regiment and 1st Century Disciples would say to the Cornerstone Chapel unbiblical claim that, ‘we have no politicking here’.
“So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” Rev 3:16-20 Jesus doesn’t excuse silence or political correctness in the face of hypocrisy. He rebuked the religious class most harshly.
The gaslighting, gender dysphoria, Wuhan plandemic, sex trafficking, 2020 election irregularities, vaccine injuries and medical establishment payoffs for COVID claims are in plain sight for anyone who’s willing to look and see. “The days are evil” (Eph 5:16)
May all Bible believing Disciples of the Lord Jesus be warned of hypocrisies and failings and heed the call to bear Kingdom fruit to the Glory of God. Let God be true and every man a liar. Rom 3:4 Every citizen (Pastors included) is charged to honor and defend liberty by defending the Constitution.
Loudoun Liberty