Restoring Liberty

“If you like your plan, you can keep it” Barack Obama 2009

“I did not have sexual relations with that woman,” Bill Clinton 1998

“There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.” Dick Cheney 2002

We understand from the fairy tale whoppers that politicians tell us how they’ve earned approval ratings below stockbrokers and used car salesmen. A sampling of common punchlines referring to government corruption: that’s the way it is; they all do it; accept it. Major media companies that control what we see and hear disseminate the same narrative of powerlessness.  Are we in fact helpless? The Framers of our Constitution gave ‘We the People’ unimpeachable powers guarantying our inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of personal property. Before outlining the Constitutional rescue plan to install principled men and women who will uphold their oaths to honor and defend the Constitution beginning in our counties an expose of illustrations of federal government overreach and corruption will help us see the need for action.  

From a young age we’re fed ‘scholarship’ masquerading as history and propaganda posing as news. Too many of us believe The Federal Reserve is a government run agency producing monetary policy that will serve the public when in fact it is a privately owned central bank controlled by elite financiers for their own interest.  (See “The Secrets of the Federal Reserve” by Eustace Mullins) The $36T debt has been perpetrated by private bankers posing as government stewards.

How many of us believe the climate hysteria of the past 50 years is rooted in science rather than calculated fear mongering? Those who question that the ‘science’ is political are labeled ‘deniers’. We’ve been warned that Manhattan would be under water by 2006, the polar bear population would be wiped out and mother earth was in danger of extinction due to carbon emissions while the elites who propagate the frenzy fly around in private jets. (See “ The Climate Bogeyman” by Mike Lee) The hoax has led to an expansion of EPA powers and increased taxes.

During the CDC gain-of-function induced pandemic we were told we needed to social distance for two weeks to stop the spread. Two weeks led to a full lockdown aggravated by forced vaccines who many in the science community now label as bio-weapons and mask mandates. 2020 protocols in NJ, PA, MI and NY requiring nursing homes to admit “medically stable” COVID patients resulting in the deaths of thousands of elderly nursing home residents. (See “Through the Glass: The Reality of Working at a NY Nursing Home” by Helen Beede) The CDC along with the NIH and FDA are unConstitutional bureaucracies designed to exert suffocating control over a free people.

In addition, we’ve watched the public schools as they’ve become both indoctrination camps and centers of Orwellian dystopia. School boards are ripping children out of the arms of their parents in the name of ‘gender equality’ so that life shattering authority may be given to prepubescents; our borders have been invaded by millions of illegals in recent years amounting to a government sanctioned incursion; bioweapons masquerading as vaccines are peddled as medically tested and safe; an exploding welfare state that is funded by the middle class has lead to slothfulness, boredom and a victimhood mindset.

How do liberty loving Americans confront and dismantle an intractable government? GR Mobley’s seminal white paper “Why Counties Matter Most” shows how the Constitution was structured to empower the counties to hold the states accountable to their oath to defend the Constitution. The counties are the foundation of all government and most attached to the will of the people. How have we allowed government to incrementally rule us for the past 100 years? Mobley lays the lost freedom and accountability at the foot of Constitutional ignorance: “the primary reason why “We the People” allowed our Republic to drift into a soft communism has had more to do with illiteracy of our Constitution and a lack of details and explanations on the architectural and functional framework of government by the principal Framers”.

Secondly, it’s important to understand the unique republican form of government the Framers gave us which is unlike any other ever. The Constitution can only be described as Divinely inspired. The separation of roles and responsibilities within the federal government together with strict, enumerated and limited powers is the foundational bedrock upon which the People are protected from tyranny. The Declaration of Independence tells us what the founders sought to do- enshrine liberty by putting specific and defined guard rails on government: ”We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…..Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”.

Lastly, as Mobley states, the only way to restore our Republican Form of government is to demand an end to the application of political compromise being un-Constitutionally applied within our county, state and federal legislatures. Instead, we must demand full compliance to the Constitutional limitations that have been breached over the last century. The First Amendment Right of Petition, is the primary weapon in the Constitution. Here’s a summary of the action items citizens must take in the county to redress grievances. All petitions are academically written and validated.

  1. Find 10-20 likeminded neighbors who will meet, study, organize and activate the plan
  2. Customize petitions. Those providing academic proof of Constitutional offenses currently include: the border invasion, medical freedom, CBDC, UN, geoengineering, electoral college, EPA  etc
  3. Organize petition signing events at businesses predisposed to back Constitutional lawfulness
  4. Meet with Constitutional elected officials soliciting their support and cooperation
  5. Appear before the County Board of Supervisors petitioning them for failure to honor their oath to support the Constitution
  6. Recruit others to join the movement
  7. Attend future Supervisor meetings presenting new petitions
  8. Recruit Constitutional candidates to replace Supervisors unwilling to back petitions
  9. Bring other counties within the state into the movement
  10. Once counties are aligned petition state legislatures to hold the federal government accountable to defend the Constitution by eliminating those agencies, departments and bureaus that are unenumerated.

Creating a movement within the county will establish an action plan that will bring relief to suffocating government. Significant momentum is underway in counties in WA, NY, MO and WY. The day to restore liberty is here. Don’t let it pass you by. Contact to learn more about how to start a movement in your county that will extend to the state and country restoring government’s role as our Framer’s intended. 

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
— Thomas Jefferson

Documents and resources faithfully produced and graciously shared by

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