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Needless to say, the dependence on the people as the primary control of government has failed. But why? This question opens a plethora of rabbit‐holes; however, the primary reason why “We the People” allowed our Republic to drift into communism had more to do with illiteracy of our Constitution and a lack of details and explanations on the architectural and functional framework of government by the principle framers.
This made it easy for those with machinations to mislead the masses. Architectural components such as the uniqueness of our bicameral legislative bodies have become a complete mystery.
To be specific, the three‐layer design of our governments (i.e. county, state, and federal) being interdependent in this new form of government was clearly inspired by the Divine Hand of Providence as the framers’ innovated a Republican Form of government in such a design that even they could not fully understand its perfection.
As a testament to its perfection, even today, as we have slid so far into a Monarchal Party form of a Democratic Socialism – we still possess the power and the tools to restore this Divine government.
Thomas Jefferson described the political power in this new government as outward‐flowing like centrifugal energy. The distributive responsibility and power is what makes our Republic impenetrable from all external threats. This is why the vulnerability of the Republic is the pulling in or the centralizing of power using centripetal force instead of centrifugal forces. Pulling political power into a central government destroys our Republic; whereas, allowing political energies to flow outward expands and strengthens our Republic.
What is paramount today, if we are going to restore our hybrid Constitutional Republic, is restoring the people’s power over their direct government by restoring the architectural and operational structure of our self government. In other words we have to restore the government where all political energy is to originate with the people and their direct government, our county government. Our Declaration of Independence succinctly states that our government is instituted by “We the People”.