Constitutional Solutions
Petition 002 For Redress Foreign Sovereignty Treaty
This First Amendment Petition for the Redress of Grievances is directed to and through our County Legislators regarding the State Legislatures’ failure in holding the federal government accountable for violating the U. S. Constitution’s Article I, Article II, Article III, Article IV, Article VI, Article VII, and the Ninth, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments, for creating and maintaining treaties with polities without the enumerated power for the specific treaty to be made. This petition explains that the only powers delegated are regard to war, and commerce.
All three branches of our federal government have abdicated their sworn duty to support the Constitution by creating, ratifying, and maintaining treaties that surrenders the sovereignty of the Union and the States allowing both to be regulated by foreign powers as well as separating and isolating citizens of the union to a disparate governance within a sovereign state where the federal government possesses no delegated authority to do this.
In fact, the Supremacy Clause is clear that the federal government can only make treaties that are “under the authority” delegated to them by the States.