Greetings Friends & Patriots!

If you’re somewhere with a heavy week of snow I hope your shoveling is done for the week and you’re ready to love and serve the Lord and your neighbor! I’ve been reading and studying Joshua and see many parallels with our time. Even though we technically occupy America it feels as though we’re in a season when we need to take our country back. Joshua crossed the Jordan River after God caused the water to stand up and fought and defeated the Canaanites, Hittites, Hivites, Perizzites, Amorites and Jebusites who were guilty of child sacrifice and worshipping false gods. The Lord constantly told him be strong and of good courage. Do you see the resemblance with today?

We had great participation on our calls this week. By spending time to learn and grow you’re becoming a Joshua and will take you’re respective county back. We learned from GR that Nullification and the Sovereign Citizen movement and it’s derivatives are anti Constitutional remedies that are designed to divide us and end up putting those involved in jeopardy.

The Framers gave us the only bottom up Constitutional Republic that has ever been. We are the only ones who can take hold of the shackles being used to control us and remove them. William Penn echoed the hearts of the other framers: “Wear none of thine own chains; but keep free, whilst thou art free.”

A last word of encouragement to reject the notion that everything will work out if we vote GOP or stay on the couch watching professional sports It won’t. Get involved our children and grandchildren are depending on us. Together we can do this!

Uncensored News

  • “Black National Anthem” to be played at Super Bowl HERE
  • MSNBC supports books about rape and pedophilia in schoolsHERE
  • Zionist Adrenochrome tunnel systems in NYC   HERE
  • Election expert hacks into voting machine changes votes in front of a GA Judge  HERE
  • WW3- NATO preparing for a conflict with Russia  HERE
  • Argentine President a WEF Puppet don’t fall for psyop HERE

Cutting Quotes

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.”

 Benjamin Franklin

“Whenever there’s a tragedy involving gun use, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, the gun-control lobby and the news media seize it as another opportunity to exploit the emotions of uninformed American people for political gain.”

— Walter E. Williams

Too much of what is called “education” is little more than an expensive isolation from reality.

— Thomas Sowell

“A Jesus who never wept could never wipe away my tears.”

― Charles H. Spurgeon

Movie Moment

We watched “Boys in the Boat” this weekend a great (clean!) movie about the 1936 University of Washington rowing team that competed for gold at the Summer Olympics in Berlin. This true story follows a group of underdogs at the height of the Great Depression as they are thrust into the spotlight and take on elite rivals from around the world. The first clip speaks about true success coming from a combination of death to self and an unyielding commitment to unity when Coach lets one of his rowers back on the team provided he lives the “all for one” creed. HERE  The 2nd clip shows the team defying all odds by beating the waspy eastern elite schools. HERE  We are in the same boat 🙂 to taste victory we must be all in for our “boat mates” and countrymen. With God’s help and this spirit we will taste victory!

Reclaiming the Republic HERE

Constitutional articles, podcasts and a roadmap to reclaim our counties using Republic Review and 1st Amendment petitions. Great podcast discussing the Tory Acts and underscoring that it’s now or never. HERE The podcasts are approx 50 minutes long and are great to listen to while driving. “Knowledge is power” Thomas Jefferson

Fear: “The good man has no envy for anyone, neither fear nor anger or hatred.” — Plato,

ApathyIt is … far more important to resist apathy than anarchy or despotism for apathy can give rise, almost indifferently, to either one.” —–Alexis de Tocqueville

You were bought at a price do not become slaves of men. 1 Cor 7:23

As you know we have training calls (Wed @ 11AM, Fri @ 6:30PM) to learn and share the petition progress being made. God willing I’ll send out a reminder the day before.

For those who are engaged in the battle thank you for all you’re doing. Let me know if I can help you in any way. God bless!

Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities because it has been said, it is the quality which guarantees all others.

— Winston Churchill,

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