The Irrefutable Argument for Republic Review

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An Introduction to the Constitution and the Republic Review

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Republic Review Argument in Bullet Format

  1. In accordance with Article Seven of the Constitution, the Constitution is a compact written “for” and “by”
    the States
     The legal definition of “ratification” is: “the action of signing or giving formal consent to a treaty,
    compact, contract, or agreement, making it officially valid”
     For the compact to be given force it required a threshold of “Shareholders” to buy‐into the compact
    (State’s); thus, making the States the only parties to the compact
     This is why Madison, Jefferson, and the framers consistently referred to the Constitution as a compact,
    contract, or instrument
  2. In accordance with Article Seven and Article Five of the Constitution, the States are THE principal
    Shareholders of this compact. Consequently, ONLY the States possess SOVEREIGNTY over the compact;
     Only the States could ratify the Constitution
     Only the States possess the authority to ratify amendments
     Conversely, the Constitution does not grant the authority to the Supreme Court, the President, or
    Congress to ratify the Constitution or the authority to Amendment to the Constitution; therefore they
    are not PRINCIPAL Parties to this compact
  3. In accordance with the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, the States are the SOVEREIGNS who possess
    Supremacy over all things not delegated to the general (i.e. Federal) government within the compact and
    possess the full authority of oversight over their compact
     The general government supremacy is limited to ONLY those objects/powers delegated by the States
    within the Compact to the general government, ratified amendments to the Constitution and
    constitutionally ratified Treaties (See Article Six Section Two and the Ratification Debates)
    i. The general governments treaty authority is limited to the enumerated powers
    ii. For example, is the States have not formally delegated the power to the general
    government to regulate environmental matters, the general government cannot enter into
    treaties over environmental matters
     Accordingly, the States delegated specific, defined and limited ROLES, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND
    POWERS (RRPs) within the compact (i.e. Constitution) to the general government and the general
    government is constrained per the compact from doing ANYTHING that was not specifically delegated
    to it within the compact (See Article Six Section Two, and the Ninth and Tenth Amendments)
  4. The only way the general government can constitutionally obtain a new RRP is by requesting that the States
    delegate the desired RRP to them (the general government) via an Amendment to the Constitution in
    accordance with the mode identified within the Constitution (i.e. the amendment process).
  5. The “General Defense and Welfare,” “Commerce,” “Necessary and Proper,” and “Supremacy” clauses are
    not ambiguous portals for the general government to assume new RRP’s. These clauses only apply to the
    RRPs enumerated in the Constitution and Amendments to the Constitution that have been ratified and
    Treaties constitutionally ratified by two thirds of the Senate (See Article Six, The Ratification Debates,
    Madison’s Veto of the 1817 Bonus Bill, and Federalist Papers)
     This is why when the general government needed to make a minuscule change to the electoral college
    in how they are to choose the President, they adhered strictly to the Constitutional process and
    amended the Constitution instead of using statutes, regulations, or laws to govern this process (see
    the Twelfth Amendment
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     This is also why the States who sought to reign in the Supreme Courts jurisdictions demanded the
    Eleventh Amendment
  6. Politicians, Jurists, Lawyers, Officers, officials, professors, and persons claiming profound understanding of
    the Constitution within and outside of the general government since 1791 have used lies, deceit, and
    collusion to convince the States and their citizens to allow the general government the unconstitutional
    ability to assume unconstitutional RRPs without following the codified (i.e. systematic) process within the
    Constitution (See The Ratification Debates and James Madison’s Veto of the 1817 Bonus Bill, James
    Monroe’s May 4, 1822 Veto of “An act for the preservation and repair of the Cumberland road,” and Andrew
    Jackson’s May 27, 1830 Veto of the Infrastructure Development Bill)
     Therefore, all RRP’s being exercised that cannot be found within the Constitution and the ratified
    Amendments are blatant violations of the Constitution and usurpations of States’ RRPs and
    sovereignty (See Ratification Debates, Madison’s Veto of the Bonus Bill, and the Federalist Papers)
     For almost two centuries the general government and public servants at all levels have failed to
    comply with the Constitution as ratified and now our Republic is in grave peril due to these
  7. Inherent within contract law is the ability of the principal Shareholders of a compact to audit their compact
    for compliance and enforcement
     Therefore, only the States possess the authority to – and MUST ‐ validate all RRP’s being exercised by
    the general government to confirm that all RRPs that have been established since the 1789 ratification
    of the Constitution, were properly delegated by the States by adhering to the Constitutional
    Amendment process (See the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798)
    o This MUST be done in a formal audit process.
    o Only the original three Executive Departments (i.e. State, Treasury, and Defense) and the general
    accounting office were defined by the framers as necessary and proper within the enumerated
    RRPs when the general government was established; consequently, all other RRPs would require
    an Amendment to the Constitution to be a valid RRP.
     If there is no Amendment for the RRP being exercised (i.e. Department, Agency, Office, or
    administrative entity) then these RRPs and entities are unconstitutional and direct violations of the
  8. To ensure that this audit has the full force of the Republic, a simple majority of States that provide a
    majority of representation in both houses of Congress must coalesce and work together exercising their
    authority as “the principal Parties of the compact” to rebuke the general government and use the
    “necessary measures” of political force within the Constitution to gain compliance with their compact by the
    general government
     It is preferred that all States in the Republic participate in Republic Review and it is anticipated that
    over 30 States will join in Republic Review, but currently only 27 States are necessary to obtain
    Representative control in Congress to exert the necessary political force (See Article IV and the
    Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution)
     The States participating in Republic Review will provide clear directives to the general government
    requiring that they produce the necessary legislative measures to disband and dissolve all
    unconstitutional RRP’s one at time
     Applying to Congress in accordance with Article Five of the Constitution to convene a Convention to
    amend the Constitution (See Article Five, the Ratification Debates, and the Republic Review Process
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    Model); thus, the States are asserting their authority as “The Principle Shareholders” over their
  10. This is why ALL States seeking to participate in the Republic Review process who possess an active Article V
    petition calling for a Constitutional Convention, must formally rescind this petition, to send a clear message
    that they are seeking and asserting their Constitutional authority over the compact to obtain full compliance
    to their compact and not seeking any changes to the Constitution.
     Consequently, the unified Republic, while conducting Republic Review, will not possess the
    Constitutional powers to amend the Constitution in any way.
     Republic Review is simply exercising their authority individually and collectively to validate and
    demand compliance to their Constitution (See Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 and 1799 and the
    Ratification Debates, Madison’s Report on the Virginia Resolutions of 1800 and Madison’s Notes on
    Nullification of 1834)
     Furthermore, this audit by the Republic for Republic Review does not require Congress to appoint a
    place or time to conduct the audit and Republic Review process
  11. Republic Review is what Madison and Jefferson attempted to accomplish in 1798 with the Kentucky and
    Virginia Resolutions in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts
     Jefferson first audited the Constitution in the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798
     Madison called for the State to fulfill their duty to protect their State and citizen from despotic
    government calling on the other States “that the necessary and proper measures will be taken by
    each, for co‐operating with this state, in maintaining the Authorities, Rights, and Liberties, referred the
    States respectively, or to the people.” (See Virginia Resolution of 1798 and James Madison, Report on
    the Virginia Resolutions 1800 and Madison’s Notes on Nullification of 1834)
     Their fellow States failed to fulfill their obligation of oversight over their compact/contract which is
    why Madison and Jefferson were not successful in conducting Republic Review and why Jefferson
    lamented in the Kentucky Resolution of 1799 and Madison defended the legal and Constitutionality of
    their Resolutions in his Report on the Virginia Resolutions of 1800 and his Notes on Nullification of
     The first and obvious action was the audit and to get organized followed by Madison’s call for
    interposition of these ACT’s and NOT nullification
  12. In harmony with Madison and Jefferson’s actions the audit only requires one State to initiate and call for
    Republic Review (See Republic Review Process Model)

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