Greetings and blessings to and upon you in the name of the Lord of Lords! I hope you’ve had a restful weekend and are ready for what God has in store for you for the coming week.
As many of you know we’re living in a sea of wickedness and deception. In my humble opinion everything we’re witnessing has been designed to deceive us and steal our God given liberty and peace. The details of the deceptions will be revealed when Our Father reveals it not beforehand Mark 4:22. Our two sources of great hope are the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the US Constitution as ratified in 1789. We’re where we are because we’ve turned our back on our Creator by living for ourselves and have failed to hold elected officials accountable to their oaths to defend the Constitution. As you know we have calls (Wed @ 1PM, Fri @ 6:30PM) to learn and share the petition progress being made.
“But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever.”
Too many Republicans treat English as a second language, with Beltway lingo being their native tongue.
Thomas Sowell
Better to be a late learner than ignorant.
Uncensored News
Hillary wants to deprogram MAGA: HERE
Chemtrails movie HERE
US Gov facilitates child trafficking: HERE
Trafficking pipeline exposed: HERE
David Martin’s receipts on WHO: HERE
US Oil Reserves down from 32 to 14 days: HERE
Reclaiming the Republic HERE
Constitutional articles, podcasts and a roadmap to reclaim our counties using Republic Review and 1st Amendment petitions. Great podcast on issues of the day underscoring that it’s now or never. HERE
GRism: there are 2 major pains in life: Discipline or Regret. May we choose wisely.
Petitions we have ready for Loudoun County:

Movie Memory
I’m a Lord of the Rings fan and see our picture in Loudoun being similar to Frodo and Sam going through Mordor to get back to the Shire. The near final scene showing Frodo’s weakness for the ring’s evil power only to be outdone by Golum’s. HERE Peace restored! May our resolve to restore Liberty be the undoing of Mordor on the Potomac!
To those of you who are regularly on the proverbial battlefield thank you from all of us! To those who are still hoping someone else will do what we’ve all been charged to do think about your kids and grandkids when they ask: What did Dad or Granddad do during those days? It’s now or never.
Fear: “” To be outstanding, get comfortable being uncomfortable”
Apathy: “The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
Onward! You were bought at a price do not become slaves of men. 1 Cor 7:23
Woody Kaye

Loudoun Liberty