Petition 017 Geoengineering A Violation Against The Constitution |
This is a series of nine petitions that establish an irrefutable Constitutional argument presented in petitions:
Petition 002 – The federal government cannot make or ratify a treaty regarding a matter that is not enumerated within the Constitution;
Petition 006 – the federal government cannot assume any role, responsibility, power, or property (RRPP) like the Department of Transportation (DoT) unless the States formally grant the RRPPs in the Constitution or an Amendment;
Petition 008 – the federal and state courts jurisdiction are tied to those objects enumerated in the Constitution and the judiciary cannot make law nor can they define or interpret the meaning of the Constitution;
Petition 012 – proves the Department of Commerce (DoC) is a violation of the Constitution like the DoT;
Petition 013 proves the Department of Interior is a violation of the Constitution like the DoT and the DoC;
Petition 014 proves the Department of Energy is a violation of the Constitution like the DoT, DoC, and the DoI;
Petition 015 proves the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a violation of the Constitution like the DoT, DoC, DoI, and the DoE;
Petition 016 proves the federal government has no enumerated RRPP to engineer or manipulate markets, or fields of science; and
Petition 017 proves that the federal government or state government cannot engage in or apply any form of geoengineering within the United States.
To date, the States have NEVER amended the Constitution for the United States nor have the people amended the Iowa State Constitution delegating a RRPP granting the ability to operate, exercise, or possess geoengineering applications or systems like
1) a Carbon Capture Storage system,
2) the ability to manipulate fuels forcing the use of Ethanol,
3) the application of stratospheric and tropospheric aerosol spraying to manipulate our nation and the earth climate.
Furthermore, there are no amendments to either the federal or states Constitutions granting these governments the ability to regulate the air, land, or our water whatsoever.
Whether the intention are noble or not, the authority of governments are solely based upon our Constitutions and as James Madison stated in 1800:
“The authority of constitutions over governments, and of the sovereignty of the people over constitutions, are truths which are at all times necessary to be kept in mind; and at no time, perhaps, more necessary than at present.”
Thus, signing this one petition sheet will be signing the petition.