We’re about to celebrate the birth of the Savior of the world.
May we steer clear of the commercialization and reflect on God’s goodness for sending His Son to atone for our sins.
Jesus’s ministry was marked by truth and righteousness. He was neither liar or lunatic but Lord as CS Lewis famously commented. During his ministry He showed us what issues were worthy of His indignation. A central theme of His anger was the confrontation of people in high positions for their abuse of power towards the poor and downtrodden. He flipped the tables where unjust commerce was taking place outside the temple. He rebuked His Disciples for preventing the little children from approaching Him and cursed the fig tree for it’s leaf-only fruitlessness. He came to bring war against those in power who were influenced by their father the devil (John 8:44).
We’re in a non-military world war today and need to get angry too. It’s now or never.
The US Constitution empowers the counties to demand that the states hold the federal government accountable to their limited and enumerated powers. Check out GR Mobley’s “Why Counties Matter Most” HERE.
“Institute on the Constitution” calls for those who want to fight for freedom to “Pray-Study-Act”. Politicians will not save us, it’s up to us.
Our heartfelt thanks to GR Mobley for sharing his vast constitutional knowledge to those who want to learn and use their knowledge to fight back using Republic Review.
The most important battles we face are not physical or mental. They’re spiritual. To combat the one who wants to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10) we’re called to intercede through prayer.
We have daily prayer calls on zoom for 15-25 minutes at 2 EST. Please join us HERE
Nothing other than First Amendment petitions and Republic Review will address the border invasion, CBDC’s, medical tyranny, election fraud, censorship, Aurora property seizures and J6 insurrection by the government.
The injury America suffers from demands full triage as prescribed by Republic Review.
In Matt 12 Jesus prophesied that a house divided cannot stand.
Recruit patriots and conservatives to join our twice weekly calls to learn how to implement First Amendment Petitions and Republic Review as a cure to subjugation.
“The secret to happiness is freedom, the secret to freedom is courage” Thucydides
First Amendment Petitions
The remedy the framers gave us through the Constitution is interposition using First Amendment petitions and Republic Review. ReclaimingtheRepublic.org has a repository of petitions which they’ve graciously shared with Loudoun Liberty.
They’re viewable online, and can be downloaded as a pdf and customized for your county.
Our calls are scheduled for Wednesday at 11 and Friday at 6:30 EST. God willing reminders go out the day before.
Petitions are our non-violent version of David’s smooth stones that he used to slay Goliath. (1 Sam 17)
The suffocating taxes and regulations at every level of government, corrupt court system, slavish and stifling bureaucracy, AI-PAC albatross-like influence, favored industry subsidies that increase prices, individual unwarranted surveillance and on and on.
We will beat back our Goliath once we recognize that by working together constitutional truth will prevail.
“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” ― Mark Twain
For the sake of our progeny, neighbors and communities let’s be doers not just hearers. James 1:22 Let’s be disciplined together! Go to Reclaiming the Republic today and read and listen to GR Mobley’s podcasts. HERE
As Jefferson repeatedly said “ignorance is no excuse”.
Every politician and media personality refers to America as a democracy. They don’t want us to know the power we actually have.
Here’s what Madison said about democracies:“Pure democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” James Madison
Cutting Quotes
“No matter how worthy the cause, it is robbery, theft, and injustice to confiscate the property of one person and give it to another to whom it does not belong.”
― Walter Williams
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
— John Adams
“The secret of happiness is freedom and the secret of freedom is courage.”
— Thucydides
“Men are ruled, at this minute by the clock, by liars who refuse them news, and by fools who cannot govern.”
— GK Chesterton
Uncensored News
X CEO endorses bill promoting digital ID and Chinese surveillance state
NY Gov Hochul proposes $500 inflation refund checks
Ghana proposes Biometric border entry at airport paving way for Mark of the Beast system
Elon Musk’s Neuralink and drones
WiFi, electricity, metals and curing Tinnitus
Democratic mayors will use police to block Trump from deportation of illegals
Freemasonry stronghold in America
Movie Moment
SAVING PARADISE- A low budget feel good story about a small town pencil factory that’s on the edge of bankruptcy. ‘Saving Paradise’ is an inspiring story based on true events. A ruthless corporate raider is forced to return to his small-town roots where he suddenly inherits his father’s nearly-bankrupt pencil factory, which is the heart and soul of the depressed community. With the foreclosure deadline looming, he must decide to either let it close or join the community’s fight to save it. “It’s a little bit like ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ or ‘Norma Rae,” said director Jay Silverman. “There are choices to be made, and one person can destroy a town. The workers and families in the town can turn around something that’s been destined to fail.”
The trailer provides a synopsis of how a pencil factory was the heart of a small town and went from being a candidate for a corporate takeover to a survivor thanks to a benevolent investor and the sacrifices and perseverance of the workers and management. The parallel with America is palpable. Although our nation is teetering with resolve and doggedness of Richardson Pencil we can restore our precious liberty.
Message to America? Don’t let adversity get you down and work together and reap victory for liberty while sending tyranny’s spiritual forces back to Sheol. HERE
We rebuild liberty in a way that moves our current obsession with consumerism and conformity to preserve life of dreams and self-sufficiency for our families, friends, community and those who gave their lives for our liberty. We press on together!
RTR is a great resource to help educate us on how to reclaim our counties using Republic Review and 1st Amendment petitions.
Here’s the Dec 6th broadcast. GR covered the importance of citizenship, sponsorships, and also focused on what Trump could accomplish – if he was a Constitutional President regarding State land and property that has been sold to foreign entities. HERE….begin by holding our public servants accountable at the county, state and federal level. It all starts with the Counties!
The podcasts are approx 50 minutes long and is a great way to learn while you’re driving.
Fear: “The good man has no envy for anyone, neither fear nor anger or hatred.” — Plato,
Apathy: “It is … far more important to resist apathy than anarchy or despotism for apathy can give rise, almost indifferently, to either one.” —–Alexis de Tocqueville
You were bought at a price do not become slaves of men. 1 Cor 7:23
As you know we have training calls (Wed @ 11AM, Fri @ 6:30PM) to learn and share the petition progress being made.
God willing I’ll send out a reminder the day before.
For those who are engaged in the battle thank you for all you’re doing.
Let me know if I can help you in any way.
God bless!
“Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities because it has been said, it is the quality which guarantees all others.” — Winston Churchill