Raise of hands please; who of you thought the invasions of Aurora and Springfield were possible in America just five years ago or that the government would manufacture a gain of function virus in order to lock the country down and force vaccine injections on us or that plans are underway to force citizens into a CBDC slavery system?
If your arm went up your crystal ball is finely tuned and better than mine.
Question 2:
Do you think lawless anarchy won’t come to your town?
If you don’t think so consider what football coach turned soothsayer Joe Paterno had to say 20 odd years ago: “The minute you think you’ve got it made, disaster is just around the corner”.
Dear friends, protect your family with a reserve of food, water and medical supplies and protect your country by organizing in your county against communist / globalist insurrection using constitutional petitions. Let us know how we can help you organize, recruit, plan and execute.
This week’s calls were well attended and full of optimism, hope and gratitude for our Divinely inspired constitution. We spent a good portion of Friday’s call discussing how eyes are opening to the corruption in all levels of government including the refusal to enforce the ‘natural born citizen’ clause thereby allowing Kamala Harris to run for POTUS.
We’ve added a 1st Amendment petition to address the remedy for violating election law according to Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. We’re being bombarded by the temptation to feel overwhelmed by a steep learning curve and the messaging that we can’t make a difference.
Neither is true so let’s unequivocally say no to the tempter!
We’re working on a plan to present the 1st Amendment petition remedy to likeminded groups who are truly committed to restoring the republic.
We’re being bombarded by the temptation to feel overwhelmed by a steep learning curve or the devilish messaging that we can’t make a difference.
Neither is true so let’s unequivocally say no to the tempter!
Nothing other than 1A petitions will address the border invasion, CBDC’s, medical tyranny, election fraud, censorship, Aurora property seizures and J6 insurrection by the government.
The injury America suffers from demands full triage as prescribed by Republic Review.
In Matt 12 Jesus prophesied that a house divided cannot stand.
Recruit patriots and conservatives to join our twice weekly calls to learn how to implement Republic Review as a cure to subjugation.
“The secret to happiness is freedom, the secret to freedom is courage” Thucydides
1A Petitions
The remedy the framers gave us through the Constitution is interposition using First Amendment petitions. ReclaimingtheRepublic.org has a repository of petitions which they’ve graciously shared with Loudoun Liberty.
They’re viewable online, and can be downloaded as a pdf and customized for your county.
Color Coded Constitution

Petition Archive

Our calls are scheduled for Wednesday at 11 and Friday at 6:30 EST.
God willing reminders go out the day before.
Petitions are our non-violent version of David’s smooth stones that he used to slay Goliath. (1 Sam 17)
The suffocating taxes and regulations at every level of government, corrupt court system, slavish and stifling bureaucracy, AIPAC albatross-like influence, favored industry subsidies that increase prices, individual unwarranted surveillance and on and on.
We will beat back our Goliath once we recognize that by working together constitutional truth will prevail.
“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” ― Mark Twain
For the sake of our progeny, neighbors and communities let’s be doers not just hearers. James 1:22 Let’s be disciplined together! Go to Reclaiming the Republic today and read and listen to GR Mobley’s podcasts. HERE As Jefferson repeatedly said “ignorance is no excuse”.
Every politician and media personality refers to America as a democracy. They don’t want us to know the power we actually have. Here’s what Madison said about democracies:
“Pure democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” James Madison

Cutting Quotes
“Nothing teaches us about the preciousness of the Creator as much as when we learn the emptiness of everything else.”
― Charles H. Spurgeon
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
— Edmund Burke
“The republican is the only form of government which is not eternally at open or secret war with the rights of mankind.”
— Thomas Jefferson,
“Men are ruled, at this minute by the clock, by liars who refuse them news, and by fools who cannot govern.”
— GK Chesterton
Uncensored News

Movie Moment
STAND BY ME – It’s the summer of 1959 in Castlerock, Oregon and four 12 year-old boys – Gordie, Chris, Teddy and Vern – are fast friends.
After learning of the general location of the body of a local boy who has been missing for several days, they set off into the woods to see it.
Along the way, they learn about themselves, the meaning of friendship and the need to stand up for what is right.
At the end Gordie who wrote a memoire about their experience says “I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Does anyone?
In this scene Gordie stands up to Ace the high school bully who wanted to muscle in on the boys body discovery.
He showed courage and defiance against a thug who was driven by ego, power and lawlessness. Watch…. HERE
We’re living in a similar time when good people like Gordie are being asked to replace apathy and fear with a thirst for righteousness anchored by truth.
Our kids and grandkids are depending on us.
God has endowed us with the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
These rights are ours to defend.
Jump on a training call this week to learn and become equipped to lawfully confront your county politicians using the powers bestowed by the Constitution.
Together we can do this by reclaiming our God given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
We rebuild liberty in a way that moves our current obsession with consumerism and conformity to preserve life of dreams and self-sufficiency for our families, friends, community and those who gave their lives for our liberty.
We press on together!

RTR is a great resource to help educate us on how to reclaim our counties using Republic Review and 1st Amendment petitions.
Here’s the Sept 13th podcast where GR shares a short enjoyment in the podcast rankings… some feedback on school shootings, 911, the Presidential Debate, and the plight of the media – he continues doing a contrast and comparison on the differences between administrative actions regarding the invasion and a 1st Amendment Petition HERE ….begin by holding our public servants accountable at the county, state and federal level. It all starts with the Counties!
Here’s the Sept 6th podcast where GR rants a bit regarding how Conservatives have been duped into thinking they are truly opposing the communist movement in America except they are actually helping it… he then speaks of a movement by party players in Washington State and the “Wethepeople2” organization using court administration tactics to fight government corruption… for the record we hope they succeed…..begin by holding our public servants accountable at the county, state and federal level.
It all starts with the Counties! HERE (or below)
The podcasts are approx 50 minutes long and is a great way to learn while you’re driving around.
Fear: “The good man has no envy for anyone, neither fear nor anger or hatred.” — Plato
Apathy: “It is … far more important to resist apathy than anarchy or despotism for apathy can give rise, almost indifferently, to either one.” —–Alexis de Tocqueville
You were bought at a price do not become slaves of men. 1 Cor 7:23
As you know we have training calls (Wed @ 11AM, Fri @ 6:30PM) to learn and share the petition progress being made. God willing I’ll send out a reminder the day before.
For those who are engaged in the battle thank you for all you’re doing. Let me know if I can help you in any way.
God bless!
Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities because it has been said, it is the quality which guarantees all others.
— Winston Churchill,